Thursday, January 22, 2015

I'm No Glass Bead!

Finally, the pressure has been (a bit) let loose ! I just had my sidang for Tugas Akhir two days ago and I must say I am super relieved that I passed *although with revision*! And I am utterly thankful for the support given from my families and friends before sidang, it definitely boost my confidence up for presentation!!

Now I have a slight moment for pampering myself with my daily dose of watching Roommate and read comic books *ahem* before finishing my paper in 3 weeks time!

Mei and I had sidang on the same day and we're like writing all the stuff we need to talk about TTvTT It's cause they only let us to do a presentation for 15 minutes so we need to be well prepared. When doing a sidang like this, really, a PROPER sleep the day before is recommended to make your brain fresh so you can answer all the questions given!

Making a project while writing the paper is clearly no easy task. I'm just glad I managed to finish this in time of one semester. Hopefully after this I can continue with internship and graduate this year! >v0

Current Mood: Glass Bead- GFriend

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